How We Can Help You

We have a set of services that we think will aggregate over time; once you taste our service once, you will want to try new ones.

Agile Transformation

We rely on Agile Coaches and certified Instructors who will help you achieve an agile transformation through:

Organizational diagnosis

We start from the initial diagnosis to know your current needs, challenges, and obstacles.

Agile framework

We design the agile model tailored to your organization, to implement Agility in the areas that carry out projects or maintain healthy operations. We implement iterative work forms based on the most popular agile frameworks: Scrum, Kanban, and Extreme Programming.


The mission of Agile Coaches is to support teams from within organizations to optimize the ways of working and collaboration between people. Agile Coaches foster creativity and the need for innovation.

Innovation transformation

We’ve enabled decades-old organizations to design and run innovation programs, embed corporate innovation capabilities, modernize their ways of working, cut through red tape, and build forward-thinking innovation cultures. Using our proven methodologies, we can make innovation part of your organization’s DNA

In this path we built:

  • Innovation Blueprint
  • Innovation Sprints
  • Idea Management Repository

Product Design Sprint

A collaborative methodology to prototype, test and validate business ideas in just 30 days. Adapted from Google Ventures Design Sprint methodology, The Insure Box introduces software practices in order to be ready to launch a digital product. This is your insurance for a successful platform business.

The use of modern design-oriented methods such as the Design Sprint is transforming and accelerating the Tech industry; allowing organizations and makers to move at an unprecedented speed at the beginning of a project.

This includes:

  • User Journey Map
  • Product Prototype
  • User Test Results
  • MVP Requirements
  • Risk Matrix
  • User story map

Product Workshop

Based on the Product Design Sprint model, the product workshop is a methodology to prototype, test and validate new features or modules from an existing platform in just 3 days.

The Insure Box introduces software and design practices in order to be ready to launch a new extension or complementary features to a core platform.

This includes:

  • User Journey Map
  • High-Fidelity prototype
  • User test results

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